Energy Innovation is Imperative

Global primary energy consumption decreased by 1.1% in 2009, the first decline since 1982. Consumption of oil, natural gas and nuclear power all fell, and consumption of coal remained about the same. Renewable forms of energy and hydroelectric output were the only increases. Despite the 2009 declines, world consumption of marketed energy from all fuel sources is expected to increase over the next 25 years.
“If we shrink from deciding we’re going to lead in the area of renewable energy, then we will make the worst decision we’ve made in this nation’s history,” Biden said, delivering the keynote speech at the fourth annual National Clean Energy Summit, hosted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
In the coming years, new homes and buildings will become increasingly energy efficient, contributing to more livable neighborhoods and sustainable communities. Energy innovation is imperative for growth in the economy.

Written by: Tony Smith

