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    Prince William County Schools video screenshot

    Video: Virginia’s 2nd Largest School Division Shows How to Go Solar the Right Way

    Video: Virginia’s 2nd Largest School Division Shows How to Go Solar the Right Way

    Jun 27, 2024

    Prince William County Schools gets more benefits from hosting its own solar power systems right on campus.

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    businessman attacking solar school

    Dominion Invents New Dirty Trick to Kill School Solar in Virginia

    Dominion Invents New Dirty Trick to Kill School Solar in Virginia

    May 30, 2024

    Everyone loves when K-12 schools go solar. But Dominion hates it. Now they've concocted a scheme to slow or stop school solar for good.

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    Macon Rich

    Secure Solar Futures Adds Interim CEO, Project Management Director, and Other Staff

    Secure Solar Futures Adds Interim CEO, Project Management Director, and Other Staff

    Feb 12, 2024

    Secure Solar Futures has appointed Macon Rich as interim CEO, hired Joshua Kraybill as Project Management Director, and filled other key openings.

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    ‘Solar Energy Journal’ Debunks Myths that Rooftop Solar is Subsidized by Non-Solar Customers — Provides Scientific Evidence that Net-Metered Solar Saves Money for Utilities and Ratepayers

    ‘Solar Energy Journal’ Debunks Myths that Rooftop Solar is Subsidized by Non-Solar Customers — Provides Scientific Evidence that Net-Metered Solar Saves Money for Utilities and Ratepayers

    Jan 25, 2024

    A new paper in "Solar Energy Journal" by SSF researchers debunks the claim by utilities that ratepayers subsidize net-metered solar. Our data show the opposite: solar saves money for utilities and all ratepayers.

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    Matt McFadden in story from Grist

    Solar in Coal Communities: Interview with Secure Solar Futures

    Solar in Coal Communities: Interview with Secure Solar Futures

    Dec 12, 2023

    Matt McFadden tells Grist, America's leading environmental magazine, the secret to bringing solar to his neighbors in coal country.

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    Roanoke City Schools will get Solar Power at 7 Locations

    Roanoke City Schools will get Solar Power at 7 Locations

    Dec 08, 2023

    Roanoke City Public Schools in Virginia has engaged Secure Solar Futures to develop a 1.7-megawatt solar power system at seven locations.

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    You’ll be the judge: volunteer with our high school educational program

    You’ll be the judge: volunteer with our high school educational program

    Nov 17, 2023

    Interested in helping support high school students working on climate science and sustainability projects?  If so, please join us as a judge for our 2023 Throwing Solar Shade® program! 

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    How to sell solar in coal country

    How to sell solar in coal country

    Oct 30, 2023


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    Students take a drone photo of themselves as they fly the craft above a school in Augusta County, Virginia.

    Empowered Students Spark Climate Action & Campus Solar

    Empowered Students Spark Climate Action & Campus Solar

    Aug 01, 2023

    At one of the first school districts in the US to develop a climate plan, students drove the process. In Virginia, students get credit for promoting campus solar.

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    The setting sun shines on a large array of roof mounted solar panels on a warehouse.

    Long Summer Days Are Great for Solar. Summer Heat, Not So Much.

    Long Summer Days Are Great for Solar. Summer Heat, Not So Much.

    Jun 22, 2023

    Longer days bring more sunshine, which usually means more solar power. But if it's too hot outside, production can go down. Why? And what can be done?

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    New Website Highlights Customer Stories

    New Website Highlights Customer Stories

    May 18, 2023

    Our new website shines the spotlight on the schools, colleges, hospitals and businesses who have partnered with us to plug into the 21st century energy economy.

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    2023 EPA Grants Open for EV School Buses

    2023 EPA Grants Open for EV School Buses

    Apr 24, 2023

    Today, the EPA opened the next round of its Clean School Bus Grant Program with $400 million for electric and other types of cleaner buses.

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