Solar Jobs impact in Tennessee

One of the bright spots in Tennessee’s economy is the return they are getting from solar energy. Today, more than 200 companies are manufacturing, installing and distributing solar energy products in the state of Tennessee. Solar jobs in Tennessee is helping families regain economic stability and helping the state claim its share of this vibrant energy market.
According to The Solar Foundation’s annual jobs census, more than 100,000 Americans are working in the U.S. solar industry today, double the number of industry jobs from just two years ago. Solar is, in fact, one of the fastest growing industries in the entire economy, experiencing growth over the last year of 69 percent.
Roughly 5,000 companies are in the U.S. solar energy value chain. The vast majority of these companies are small businesses, the engine of economic growth which has been slowed by the economic downturn.
And, defying the storyline that America doesn’t make or export anything anymore, the American solar industry is now a net exporter of solar materials and equipment on the order of $2 billion.
Beyond being a boost for Tennessee’s economy and the national economy at large, the solar industry is diversifying the nation’s energy portfolio. Growth in the industry has resulted in a total solar electric capacity of more than 3,100 megawatts — the energy it takes to power 630,000 homes.
Unfortunately, future Tennessee jobs, economic growth and greater national security through solar could be derailed if the federal government decides this energy source is no longer worth its support, as some in Congress have been suggesting. Rescinding support for solar would be the wrong move at the wrong time, as hard-hit states like Tennessee need exactly the kind of jobs solar creates in manufacturing, construction and installation.
The United States is projected to become the world’s largest solar market in just 3 years and the solar industry is on track to add tens of thousands of new jobs over the coming years.

Written by: Tony Smith

