Oct 25, 2019
[Video] Real Change Takes BOLD Action
Real change takes bold action. Come help us change the world.
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At Secure Futures, we’re dedicated to doing good for our community. We strive to bring affordable clean energy to schools, hospitals, and non-taxable entities.
Right now, we’re raising capital on five new projects through Virginia’s first solar crowdfunding campaign. We’re giving first-time and experienced investors alike the opportunity to invest their money into projects that give back to the community. If you’re looking to further your knowledge into crowdfunding and other information pertaining to it, have a look into crowdfunding platforms to conduct research into various topics surrounding crowdfunding, such as the benefits, or how it works, for example.
We’re excited to announce that Shenandoah University is near completion, and all three campus buildings should be fully installed and interconnected by the end of this month. The James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center pictured below has the largest solar array, at 363 kW (DC), with 982 solar panels, and supplying 47% of the electricity requirements for the Center!

There are two other solar arrays located on the Alson H. Smith, Jr. Library (47 kW) and the Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre (85 kW). Altogether, these projects will offset the equivalent of 472 metric tons of CO2 each year. Shenandoah University is planning a dedication event for Friday, November 15th. Solar bondholders will receive an invitation to the dedication event.
You can take bold action by participating in Virginia’s first solar crowdfunding campaign in Virginia. Our customers took bold action by installing solar on-site, and now you can take your own steps to helping schools and nonprofits install rooftop solar.
It’s a chance for everyone, from first-time to experienced investors, from solar advocates to financial gurus, and college graduates to retirees to help shape their community’s energy landscape.
“If you’re in a position of leadership, make it count….be bold.”
Jane Stewart Energy Specialist at Washington & Lee University