Nov 24, 2020
5 Reasons We Are Thankful For Solar this Thanksgiving
Solar energy has taken its place at the forefront of alternative energy options, and for a good reason. As a solar power company, we take pride in our work. We believe we are not only doing good, but also doing better for our customers and our environment. There are plenty of reasons to love solar energy. So, for this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations we have listed our top 5 reasons we are thankful for solar.

1. Sunlight is just so Reliable!
With the sun producing energy at various times all over the globe, it would be a shame not to harness this gift that keeps on giving. Panels that are clear of debris and shade can always produce energy even in the most inclement weather. The sun is as reliable as it gets, which can ease anxiety during power outages. When the rest of your neighborhood is in the dark, your panels keep you in the light.
To put it into perspective, in one single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the earth is more power than the entire world consumes in a year. The sun’s energy sounds about as reliable as mom forgetting the buns in the oven every Thanksgiving.
2. Bright Horizons for Clean Jobs
Renewable energy jobs are booming across the country, and we love being a part of that growth for our neighbors and economy. According to a recent study by Carbon Tracker, new wind and solar will be cheaper than 96% of existing coal power by 2030. This shows that it is only a matter of time before America coal plants begin to close for good. This leads the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to forecast that America’s two fastest-growing jobs through 2026 will be solar installer (105% growth) and wind power technician (96% growth).
Clean energy jobs offer higher wages than the national average, and are widely available to workers without college degrees, according to new Brookings Institution research. This Thanksgiving we are not only thankful for solar but for all our green-collar workers.

3. Soak up the Sun – and the Savings!
We’re thankful that our customers see savings from their solar arrays in multiple ways. One way we see solar savings is through a Power Purchase Agreement – buy solar power, not solar panels!
Rooftop solar panels themselves provide some sneaky savings. By shading the roof, solar panels can reduce rooftop temperatures by up to 23 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooler roofs mean less cooling costs for the building and therefore additional energy savings.

4. Clean, Clean, Clean
Solar energy is one of the cleanest energy sources: no water waste, no harmful emissions, and it is renewable. Burning materials such as gas, oil and coal release CO2 into the atmosphere, which is responsible for about three-quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions.
These have led to the enhanced greenhouse effect, a dangerous climate change that has been heating our earth nearly to a point of no return. This phenomena has been linked to an increase in catastrophic weather events such as flooding, wildfires, cyclones, extreme heat and droughts, and the elimination of certain species. With solar energy, we will be directly avoiding any harmful emissions into the atmosphere and helping to slow down climate change.

5. Solar with No Upfront Capital Cost through a PPA
The price of solar panels has dropped nearly 80% since 2010. It is expected to continue as increasing demand for solar power helps increase production and lower manufacturing costs for equipment.
Banks and investors are flocking to solar power as a good bet for the future. As SolectEnergy states:
“More and more financial institutions have come to recognize that the falling cost of solar, coupled with favorable incentive programs make for an attractive and trustworthy investment.”
Of course, installing solar panels is capital intensive, usually requiring a large up-front cost, with money savings only seen over an extended period of time. But owning your own array is no longer the only option.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) offer an affordable alternative to commercial businesses. Under a PPA, a solar developer like Secure Futures installs the panels on your site. The developer continues to own and operate the solar power system for the term of the solar agreement, typically for 20 to 25 years. Simultaneously, the developer sells the power from the panels to you, nearly always at a discount compared to utility power.
To learn more about how this works, and the importance of finding a trustworthy solar panel company, read our blog post here.
For Secure Futures, we want to make the abundant resource of sunshine even more appealing. That is why we promise our customers that there’s no upfront capital investment required — that is how much we want you to go solar.
As you can tell, there are so many reasons to be thankful for solar energy. We hope this can shed light not only on our passion for this industry, but the hope we have for saving our environment.
Happy Thanksgiving from Secure Futures!