May 17, 2022
EPA Announces Webinar on Clean Bus Rebate Program

The EPA just sent out an invitation to a webinar on the Clean School Bus rebate program to take place Tuesday, May 24 at 1pm Eastern. Here’s what they said:
Authorized by the recently signed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA’s Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over the next five years to replace school buses with low- and zero-emission school buses. The first funding opportunity under this program will be the 2022 Clean School Bus Rebates. EPA will offer $500 million for zero-emission and clean school bus rebates. Join us virtually to learn: Who is eligible? What school districts are prioritized? What is the selection process? Which school buses are eligible for rebates? The priority applicant list and program guidance are coming soon.
Click here to sign up for the webinar on Tuesday, May 24.
Schools that don’t already have an online federal award management account account should set one up in advance to be ready to file their application for EPA Clean School Bus funding:
Every applicant organization must have an active System for Award Management (SAM) entity registration. An entity registration is different from an individual user account on Please check to ensure your organization is registered in and that the registration has not expired. Note: Only Electronic Business (and alternates) and Government Business (and alternates) Points of Contacts (POC) listed under an active entity registration will be able to create, edit, save, and submit online Clean School Bus Rebate applications.
Click here to sign up for a account.
Meanwhile, if you’d like to get even smarter about electric school buses before the webinar, then download Secure Futures free 19-page illustrated guide to ESBs, “The Electric School Bus Revolution: Start Going EV Now, Find Funding, Avoid Pitfalls.”