Mar 16, 2020
Secure Futures’ COVID-19 Policy
Like many companies and organizations today, we put the health and safety of our customers and employees first. So, during the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve implemented a plan to ensure continuity of service and safe distancing.

Secure Futures is now putting in place measures to make sure that our customers continue to receive the reliable solar power that they’ve come to expect while following measures recommended by public health authorities to protect the health and safety of our customers and our employees.
Relating with Customers: Onsite Work at a Safe Distance
Secure Futures has partnered with experienced contractors to perform the electrical and mechanical work necessary to monitor, provide routine maintenance and perform any necessary repairs on solar energy systems installed at our customers’ locations.
We have have reviewed and approved COVID-19 response plans from every company that we have contracted to do work on site at customer locations. We are satisfied that these plans will help our vendors minimize in-person contact with our customers’ employees and maintain social distance in accordance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We have also asked our contractors working at customer sites to follow best practices in the solar power industry outlined by the Solar Energy Industries Association.
These best practices have also informed the policy for our own employees that we outline below.
Safeguarding our Employees
Last Friday, Secure Futures took action to slow the spread of the coronavirus through a few key measures:
- Offices closed and all employees are empowered to work remotely for the next two weeks, after which we will reevaluate the situation in light of guidance from public health authorities.
- Suspend non-critical travel. All travel out-of-state will be followed by a 14-day self-quarantine.
- Maintain social distancing of six feet while in professional settings, and avoid meetings, conferences, and public events where social distancing cannot be maintained.
- Avoid carpooling, elevators, or other forms of transportation which put you in close contact with someone else.
- Avoid handshaking, use elbow bumps or waves instead.
Secure Futures made the switch two years ago to enable all workers to work from home by providing laptops and other personal, portable office equipment while transitioning to software which allows easy communication and document-sharing within our company. This empowered our employees to travel more, work from home for personal reasons as needed, and continue a high-level of productivity during bad weather.
If your company hasn’t made the switch yet, please inquire with your employer about the possibility of telework while the COVID-19 situation remains critical. Investing in a laptop and monitor can go a long way in ensuring work productivity from your home.
Necessary Hygiene

We will continue to use good hygiene practices, such as:
- Wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your mouth with tissues whenever you sneeze or cough, or sneeze/cough into your elbow, and discard used tissues in the trash.
- Avoid people who are sick with respiratory symptoms.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces.
- Call your family doctor with any flu-like symptoms immediately.
The World Health Organization (WHO) offers detailed physical and mental health resources we are following to help protect employees and the community from infection.
We are enforcing these policies to reduce the rate of coronavirus cases by maintaining social distance. Countries that act fast can reduce the number of deaths by a factor of ten, and we are doing our part to keep the nation safe and healthy (source: Medium).
Help Us Flatten the Curve
The coronavirus is here, we now have to decide what to do about it. We ask that you do your part to keep our community healthy.
Join our team in practicing social distancing so together we can reduce the amount of cases which helps the healthcare system function, lowers the mortality rate, and increases the portion of the population that will be vaccinated before they get infected.