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    businessman attacking solar school

    Dominion Invents New Dirty Trick to Kill School Solar in Virginia

    Dominion Invents New Dirty Trick to Kill School Solar in Virginia

    May 30, 2024

    Everyone loves when K-12 schools go solar. But Dominion hates it. Now they've concocted a scheme to slow or stop school solar for good.

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    Matt McFadden in story from Grist

    Solar in Coal Communities: Interview with Secure Solar Futures

    Solar in Coal Communities: Interview with Secure Solar Futures

    Dec 12, 2023

    Matt McFadden tells Grist, America's leading environmental magazine, the secret to bringing solar to his neighbors in coal country.

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    Meet Our Solar Education Group

    Meet Our Solar Education Group

    Dec 07, 2022

    Secure Solar Futures' staff has grown as two new members join our Solar Education Group to expand our programming in schools.

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    apprenticeship video

    First Solar Apprenticeship Program in Virginia to be Subject of Film Debut at Virginia Clean Energy Summit

    First Solar Apprenticeship Program in Virginia to be Subject of Film Debut at Virginia Clean Energy Summit

    Oct 20, 2022

    Secure Solar Futures will present a short film about our innovative workforce development program at the Virginia Clean Energy Summit in Richmond, Va. on October 21, 2022.

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    Solar Apprenticeships Available in SW Virginia

    Solar Apprenticeships Available in SW Virginia

    Apr 19, 2022

    In summer 2022 sixteen local students will have the opportunity to help build solar arrays on 11 schools in Lee and Wise County through an apprenticeship program offered by Secure Futures.

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    Our 5 Best Articles from 2021

    Our 5 Best Articles from 2021

    Dec 17, 2021

    Learn how one of our people is helping cool down urban heat islands, how you can do more to fight climate change and new ways that solar helps the economy.

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    5 Reasons We Are Thankful For Solar this Thanksgiving

    5 Reasons We Are Thankful For Solar this Thanksgiving

    Nov 24, 2020

    Reliable power, green jobs, money savings and fighting climate change -- all reasons to be thankful for solar power this season. And since schools, hospitals and businesses can get solar for no upfront capital cost, even more people can be thankful for clean energy.

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    Andrew Yoder

    Secure Futures’ Employee Featured as ‘Advanced Energy Worker’

    Secure Futures’ Employee Featured as ‘Advanced Energy Worker’

    Nov 09, 2017

    Andrew Yoder -- one of Virginia's 81,000…

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    solar panel installers

    Clean Power Plan Can Energize Virginia’s New Dynamic Economy

    Clean Power Plan Can Energize Virginia’s New Dynamic Economy

    Aug 04, 2015

    Statement in response to the EPA's Clean Power…

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    Uber, Solar & Innovation: How to Drive Virginia’s New Era Economy

    Uber, Solar & Innovation: How to Drive Virginia’s New Era Economy

    Mar 17, 2015

    Many of us in the so-called "millennial" generation…

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    Virginia As A Solar Leader – If The Policy Fits

    Virginia As A Solar Leader – If The Policy Fits

    Dec 11, 2013

    Recently, GreenTech Media’s (GTM) Stephen Lacey, asked the…

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    Solar Jobs impact in Tennessee

    Solar Jobs impact in Tennessee

    Nov 06, 2011

    One of the bright spots in Tennessee's economy…

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