Statement on Racial Equity

solar workforce diversity
Secure Futures will actively seek to create economic opportunities for a more diverse workforce | Steven Inge Photography | Lucille Brown Middle School, Richmond, VA

Following the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many other black Americans over the last few decades, the people of Secure Futures Solar stand in solidarity with those who are speaking out for racial equity and reform.

We Affirm that Black Lives Matter

We recognize that, despite much progress, widespread racial violence continues to deny black people and all people of color the basic human right to live in peace and safety as well as the opportunities to prosper and advance that other Americans take for granted. We also recognize that diversity is not only a moral stance but it also makes good business sense, indeed it is a living principle for thriving in our human and natural ecosystems. 

We support changes on the national, state and local levels to address both immediate and broader impacts of racial discrimination throughout society.

Racial Equity in the Solar Industry

The solar power industry is dedicated to helping make energy clean and fair for all, yet solar companies have struggled to achieve a diverse workforce.

We support the commitment of the Maryland-DC-Virginia Solar Energy Industries Association (MDV-SEIA): “We stand ready, as an industry, to deeply examine and address our own shortfalls and to ensure that we, as an entire ecosystem are proactively creating diverse, inclusive, and equitable working conditions, workplaces and teams at all levels of our organizations.”

As a certified B Corporation dedicated to the triple bottom line of financial, environmental, and social sustainability, Secure Futures commits to serve as a positive force for racial equity by taking the following actions:

  1. Engage the communities we serve about how diversity is not only a moral stance but it also makes good business sense, and indeed it is one of the key principles for sustaining life on our planet for present and future generations.
  2. Hold regular discussions among our employees about diversity.
  3. Work to increase our service offerings that benefit diverse customers and institutions that serve them, especially K-12 public schools.
  4. Actively seek to create economic opportunities for people who identify as people of color.
  5. Solicit partnerships with organizations dedicated to serving people of color and fostering economic justice.
  6. Regularly inform the public about our progress through a dedicated section of our website.
solar education workshop
Secure Futures will continue to increase our educational offerings to benefit a diverse community, especially for K-12 schools | NEED Project workshop

As our friends at Solar United Neighbors have put it, “A clean and just energy system must include everyone — and leave no one behind.”

In everything we do, Secure Futures will work to help create a 21st century America that is both clean and fair.

Written by: Tony Smith

